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Martha Reed (Gates 90)Light pink self26" x 6"ERe, Dip, Sev, Fra, ExtNone
Maywick Champ (J. Freeman 81)Light red self with yellow throat42" x 6"EMTet, Dormant, ExtendedNone
Media Frenzy (Santa Lucia 03)Plum rose blend33" x 7.5"MRe, Tet, Dor, Unusual FormNone
Metallic Butterfly (Stamile 04)Pink w/orchid metallic silver rings23" x 4.25"ERe, Tet, Evr, FragrantNone
Milano Crimson Tide (Swanson 00)Crimson red self above a green throat34" x 5"MRe, Dor, TetNone
Milano Dark Amber (Swanson 00)Dark Amber w/lighter watermark eye & gold throat25" x 5"MTet, SevNone
Milano Midnight (Swanson 00)Purple self, green throat29" x 5"MTet, SevNone
Mini Pearl (Jablonski 82)Blush pink self16" x 3"EMRe, Dip, Dor, ExtendedNone
Moonlit Caress (Salter 96)Near white self26" x 5.5"MLaSEV, TetNone
Muddy Waters (Bachman 04)Rose pink blend w/thin white midribs44" x 7.5"MLaDip, Dor, Unusual FormsNone
Neal Berrey (Sikes 85)Rose pink blend18" x 5"MDip, Sev, ExtNone
Octavian Princess (Swanson 96)Yellow with violet eye20" x 6"MLaDiploid, Evr, SpiderNone
Omomuki (Stamile 91)Chartreuse yellow self26" x 5"EMTet, Dor, Fra, ExtendedNone
On Point (Roberts/Roberts 07)Pink rose w/rose band & green throat48" x 6"EMDip, SevNone
Orange Velvet (Joiner 88)Orange self38" x 6.5"MRe, Dip, SevNone
Oriental Ruby (H. Fischer 68)Carmine red self34" x 6"MLDDip, DorNone
Pardon Me (Apps 82)Bright red self18" x 2.75"MRe, Dip, Dor, Frg, NocNone
Pandora's Box (Talbott 82)Cream with a purple eye19" x 4"EMRebloomer, Dip, Evr, fragrantNone
Patsy Bickers (Dickerson 87)Beige pink w/brown red eye20" x 11"MDip, Sev, Fra, Ext, SpiderNone
Penny's Worth (hager 87)Yellow self10" x 1.5"EERe, Diploid, Dormant, ExtendedNone
Perfect Peach Glory (Roberson 96)Peach polychrome w/rose pink halo20" x 6"MRe, Dip, Sev, Ext, Very FragrantNone
Persian Peach (Moldovan 73)Peach self30" x 5"EMTet, SevNone
Pink Damask (Stevens 51)RM136" x ?MidRe, Dip, DorNone
Planet Max (Reed 96)Dark purple self42" x 7"EMDip, Sev, SpiderNone
Pretty Peggy (Sellers 73)Pink Self30" x 6"MTet, EvrNone
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